Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day Two

On Tuesdays, I go to my kids' school to eat lunch with them. I noticed before I left that the computer was on and after considering the fact that no one would be home for a couple of hours, decided, maybe I could save some energy. I switched the monitor off and vowed to look into the age-old question, which is this: does it use more energy to shut the actual computer down and turn it back on later in the day, or to just leave it running?
(I should note some things we've already implemented recently that are fairly typical but worth noting: turning lights off in rooms we're not using, opening the windows and turning off the A/C when it's bearable, and running the washer and dryer on their energy-saving modes.) And so, the tip you've probably read in every "frugal" book, website, magazine, etc., Step 2: Save energy to save money.

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